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Feed Demon


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Feed Demon  Änderung der Registrierung

1. Synchronized news bins with shared RSS feeds - share a FeedDemon "news bin" (similar to a link blog) as an RSS feed so that others may subscribe to it. Simply copy a post from any feed into a shared news bin, and everyone subscribed to that news bin's feed will get a copy of it. You can also drag-and-drop FeedDemon browser tabs - or even hyperlinks from an external browser - into a news bin to share those links.
2. Vastly improved offline support - including the ability to prefetch links and images in all unread items for offline reading.
3. Completely rewritten "Popular Topics" - view the most popular topics in all the feeds you're subscribed to, alongside the topics that are popular with all NewsGator subscribers.
4. Embedded video support - video objects embedded in feed items can now be securely viewed inside FeedDemon.
5. "Who's linking here?" - with a single click, find out who in the blogosphere is linking to a specific post in your subscriptions.

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