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Feed Demon 2.0


Feed Demon 2.0 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Feed Demon 2.0  Änderung der Registrierung

* Added: Subscriptions are now shown in single-level treeview rather than in
a dropdown list
* Added: "Subscriptions" newspaper view shows overview of all subscriptions.
Similar views are available for "Watches" and "News Bins"
* Added: News Bin popup menu now includes "Create News Bin" item
* Added: Improved searching within subscriptions. Examples:
o Mozilla Firefox = items containing the words Mozilla and Firefox
o Mozilla -Firefox = items containing the word Mozilla but not Firefox
o "Mozilla Firefox" = items containing the exact phrase Mozilla Firefox
* Added: "Find Feeds" has been integrated into the subscription wizard
* Added: "Unread feed view" and "Flagged feed view"
* Added: Grouping by title now available in surfer newspaper

* Changed: Significantly simplified UI by re-organizing toolbars, menus and
* Changed: News item list is now hidden by default
* Changed: "Validate Feed" now uses the W3C Feed Validation Service
* Changed: Performance improvements in newspaper rendering
* Changed: Performance improvements when searching in subscriptions
* Changed: Feed title is now shortened so that unread count isn't scrolled

* Fixed: Changing a feed's title in the subscription wizard adds it to
NewsGator using its original title
* Fixed: Can't check checkboxes in import feeds dialog when scrolled
horizontally (49791)
* Fixed: Newspaper doesn't expand relative URLs in feed image (49800)
* Fixed: Problems creating folder names with Unicode characters (32698)

Feed Demon 2 Baut

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