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LibreOffice 3.6.0 Beta 1 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

LibreOffice 3.6.0 Beta 1  Änderung der Registrierung

# Bugs fixed
* fdo add python gdb helpers for osl::FileBase
* DataPilot: column field disappears after refresh
* ImageMagick cannot compress grayscale TIFF images with JPEG
* testcases for and
* Unable to filter for #N/a in Scalc
* also shrink used area for HTML in some cases
* allow wmf header to be placed on position aligned to 4 bytes
* File association for fod* files are missing.
* word 2010 validation: no plcfhdd if ccpHdd is 0
* LibreOffice 3.4 .desktop files contain insufficient directories
* donot set duplicate master slide names.
* fix crash in smartart import
* fix definedName corruption for xlsx export ( )
* OOXML: pptx import - reversed alignment of bullets items when importing a slide.
* incorrect vba modulename imported
* implement relativeHeight (z-order) in .docx import (part of
* create TableManager for inside shapes
* add vba support for BackColor, AutoSize, Locked attributes
* testcases for and
* removed strange non-wrapping condition
* .docx wrap values mean different things than in LO, map them
* testcase
* finish handling of w:pStyle in numbering
* add testcase
* oox: implement VML import of v:line token
* SwCallLink: avoid copy&paste via introducing lcl_notifyRow
* set numeric formula results when importing xls document.
* fix horizontal rule width in .doc documents
* vcl: sync GenericSalLayout and SimpleWinLayout with MultiSalLayout
* tweak support Sheets.PrintPreview allow specific sheet(s) selection
* vba api Application.DisplayScrollBars implementation
* support Sheets.PrintPreview
* implement VBA Application.DisplayFullScreen
* add testcase
* testcase for
* use com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2 instead of older BorderLine
* removed unwanted/bad cast, fixes
* floor borders were missing from 3D Charts.
* svtools: allow border gap < 1pt
* dmapper: don't ignore character properties of text fields
* don't rotate calc shapes if twoCellAnchor, partial fix
* dmapper: don't insert "at page" anchored graphics as "as character"
* do not crash on clicking bibliography when base isnt installed
* easyhack: Add support for more bug trackers to get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype
* remove dictionary choice when adding new entry
* LibreOffice saves input fields in a non-standard ODF way
* EasyHack: Table Autoformats does not save (and of course apply) all properties (Writer and Calc)
* EasyHacks: "About dialog" wording and layout are suboptimal
* Icons don't get grayed even when disabled [UI]
* Calc: operation of delete- and backspace-keys are interchanged, help needs update
* EasyHack: [Impress] Changing Video/Sound playback options does not set document changed
* EasyHack: More robust ExternalMailer support
* [Writer] Index entries in footnotes not working. Bug or bad design #1
* Menu rendering problems?
* Writer crashes when bibliography database selected, when Base isn't installed
* When focusing out and in the window, cursor in notes is reset to the beginning
* VIEWING: No difference between cell border 0,5pt and 1,0pt
* Start Center: Room for GUI words does not not increase with scale
* [EasyHack] formatting background color toolbar button
* Inconsistent Localisation of CTRL key abbreviation
* Word count / statistics in the status bar
* UI: Navigator row selector pane exceeds reserved grey area
* Previous color applied instead of latest "no fill" for "highlighting".
* docx export of hyperlinks sometimes not associated with full text range
* No content shown in particular .docx (w:customXml)
* EasyHack: wish for a missing function - enlarge / reduce selected part CTRL + ], CTRL +[
* Data Validator Input Help Random Visibility Issue
* Use Ctrl+H for "Find & Replace"
* switching a bar chart to a pie chart does not erase a curve fitted to the data
* UI: Calc usability improvement: Merge cells on right mouse click
* Calc number autofill with decimal places
* EasyHack: Recent Documents not updated by Save & Save As...
* [PATCH] crash on export of multi line form text fields to .doc
* Entry "Border" at the wrong place in Writer/web options
* EasyHack: Make the toolbar menu easier
* EMF/EMF+ file: import issue
* ODF export: invalid "style:default-page-layout"
* get rid of obsolete manual templates such as DECLARE_LIST
* audit / remove SvStream long operators
* [EasyHack] remove superfluous and duplicate include paths
* Update internal lpsolve to version released Oct 2010 and move it to autotools build system
* EDITTING - Auto fill with fill handle for dates differs from numbers behavior.
* [EasyHack] Remove --disable-strip-solver configure option and default to never strip, when copying to solver
* Contribute Desktop icons as .svg
* Import of values in scientific notation from CSV file
* Does not find Firefox profile for digital certificate signing
* Add "Support assistive technology tools" option to installation process [accessibility]
* Tamil vowelless consonants should be treated as independent grapheme clusters
* CONFIGURATION: Formatting aids - displayed nonprinting characters become unchecked during printing and PDF export
* FILESAVE to RTF causes wrong font-style
* LibreOffice Writer doesn't get the right border style of an image or object in .doc files.
* Remove dictionary choice when adding new entry to the spellchecker
* [MACRO RECORDING] uno:SetBorderStyle with wrong number of params
* ODFF: implement SUMIFS(), COUNTIFS(), AVERAGEIF() and AVERAGEIFS() spreadsheet functions
* FORMATTING UI : no check marks in Line Spacing and ALignment popup menu
* Math equation editor: "newline" fails after symbols
* FILEOPEN: Opening valid ODF text document crashes Writer
* FORMATTING: Impress slide backgrounds with Liberation fonts
* remove code associated with unused icons
* FILEOPEN RTF: import-export error after change font
* FILESAVE RTF: some images are not exported
* EasyHack: make life easier for artists
* get rid of CPU define/build system variable
* [BASIC] nested UNO structs and UNO object properties of type "a uno struct" confusing
* LIbreoffice bundles rhino and swingExSrc without system switch
* UI wide screen format (16:9): Add Page size and radio buttons 16:9 / 4:3 in Presentation Wizard
* File access rights are not determined correctly (OpenAFS, ACLs)
* disabled subsequenttests due to usage of binfilter formats
* axis number FORMATTING not taken automatically from cells with calculated value
* UI: Start Center uses German words for French and English UI
* LibreOffice Base crashes when connected to Spreadsheet when "SELECT DISTINCT" used
* Cross-reference should not be hidden when field names are shown
* Animating only 2nd level paragraphs hides 1st level paragraphs
* UI Cancel button on Export as pdf dialog on Writter have bad behavior
* FILEOPEN PDF brings up (ASCII) filter selector instead of opening document
* debugging stl abort on viewing a ppsx
* Page FORMATTING: Margin settings information not compatible with 3.4.4
* FILEOPEN problem: error message mentions rows instead of columns for csv files with more than 1024 columns
* PRINTING: Paper tray setting not accepted from "File -> Print..."
* Update VCL.xcu for Chinese (Traditional) language
* After installation first launch terminates after splash screen
* ODF: various defects in page style layout grid export
* [he] UI is displayed with squares instead of translation due to bad font selection
* ODF: invalid hyphenation attributes written
* New Math symbols poorly rendered in Windows
* failing subsequenttests in ScDatabaseRangeObj
* Sequence of Mouse Wheel zoom factors must be a geometric progression
* FILESAVE: RTF import - defective RTF generation, \titlepg missing
* RTF FILEOPEN: LibreOffice doesn't select a correct default code page from regional settings (provide option to manually specify charset)
* missing support for cairo_region_t
* UI: Help text gives incorrect key combination
* key board navigation broken in Tools > Options
* Missing OpenFormula function Datedif
* MinGW: Will not launch
* in Arabian text blank squares instead of letters
* export or import of formulas from xlsx using range names in matrix formulas is broken
* [IVB GT2] urbanterror makes machine hang
* UI: Paragraph Background Color picker behavior inconsistent
* FORMATTING: NF-DATE: match input against date acceptance patterns to recognize as date
* German localization: wrong link to Settings in MacOS
* Parallel build failures; dependencies on grammars
* Inaccurate 'Please exit' wording in Installation Wizard
* FILEOPEN: Loading RTF files is slow in comparison with LibO 3.4.4
* FILEOPEN WKS importer creates date formats in German language
* FILEOPEN Excel.xls shows #NAME instead of calculation result or formula
* error plotting axis
* Editing - impress pastes entire slide instead of text
* EasyHack: remove obsolete SWAPLONG macros
* EasyHack: tools: remove obsolete BOOTSTRAP defines ...
* EasyHack: tools: remove obsolete FSysRedirector ...
* [EasyHack] Update pre-installed Bibliography Database with LibreOffice references
* Failed symbol dependency from builtin libstc++ DSO
* GUI: Rectangles instead of Characters for Tamil and Dogri
* Some filter names still use in their names.
* RTF import: bad vertical position of shapes
* FILEOPEN Shifted and invisible content in table in rtf document
* FILESAVE: Export to HTML - Use PNG for charts instead of JPG
* postition of imported chart/shapes from xlsx is bad
* missing field ( and groupnames ) when importing xlsx pivot table
* The way Writer counting Chinese words is not correct
* imported xlsx pivot table with group field as data field show ### for numbers
* userdefined groupnames missing when importing xlsx pivot tables
* bad performance of java based subsequenttests
* Writer ODF export: text:anchor-page-number="0"
* EDITING: undo incomplete for pasted column from text editor
* [FILEOPEN] LibO Writer changes decimal delimiter when opening a sdw file which causes data loss after saving
* Crash when copying table between Writer and other LibreOffice programs
* Accessibility does not work on Windows: java bridge missing from installation set
* ODF export: invalid "draw:fit-to-size" values in ODF 1.1/1.2 mode
* FILEOPEN: Encoding error for Japanese RTF file
* VIEWING, UI: New Indicators for Header/Footer display and are usable in read-only Documents
* incorrect IMPORT of Zotero RTF, regression
* Particular BASIC Macro execution significant slower than with OOo, NeoOffice, Symphony
* Calc can't export the cells formulas to CSV (only the cells values)
* Turn color etc. toolbar buttons into split buttons
* WRITER: Tables toolbar: Turn Button Line Color into Split Button.
* Calc: Formatting toolbar: Turn Button Font Color into Split Button
* UI: Print icon in Help UI is different to the icon in Standard Toolbar
* [EasyHack] remove the limitation to 3 sort entries in calc
* Language/User Interface: current choice indicated as default
* important bugs from ooo-devel
* "context menu" key with cursor in header/footer makes the cursor jump to document body
* FORMCONTROLS: Error message when deleting pages
* Copy cell above
* Page Layout Guides (margins, headers, footers) No Longer Visible
* Cell Border double lines imported from old OOo versions
* vba imports incorrect modulename
* Setup misuse Simplified Chinese in Traditional Chinese Windows (Hong Kong)
* SQL: NULL not accepted in place of column name in SELECT statement
* SQL: INSERT accepts only VALUES, not arbitrary SELECT query
* Some xls files with html content is opened incorrectly
* EasyHack: remove obsolete 'isTestTool' from vcl ...
* FILEOPEN: Faulty import of docx file which contains a simple drawing
* Poor Resampling Image quality
* LibreOffice uses an incorrect English name of the Slovak language.
* EasyHack: vcl - cleanup empty methods ...
* i18n: add locale data for Pitjantjatjara (pjt)
* Errors opening files via IPC with 8-bit encoding of file names
* EasyHack: ctrl-g to re-search in the search bar ...
* insert frame duplicates existing frames anchored at start/end paragraph
* EasyHack: cleanup SimpleResMgr ...
* SLIDESHOW does not show pictures with Hardware Acceleration activated
* [EasyHack] add support for more bug trackers to get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype
* Installer asks for user's name again during upgrade
* EasyHack: perl / should backup autogen.lastrun
* deadlock between SolarMutex and CPython global lock
* Try to open CSV empty (with 0 bytes) writes garbage data to file.
* PDF export crash on ODT document
* [Easy Hack] Adapt UNO services to new-style
* EDITING: Queries loose sorting-order when reopening for editing
* extensions/so_activex is not buildable
* SLIDESHOW shows characters too slim with Hardware Acceleration activated - cairo canvas used in error on windows.
* Crash after trying to rename autotext entry
* Date format bug of "????" system
* [dbaccess] deadlock on closing base window
* FORMATTING: FORMATTING X-axis "Time" not respected for calculated values
* EasyHack: Remove the duplicate linked objects in gbuild
* EDITING: Crash copy one or more cells in more than one sheet
* Existing Base reports won't open in LibreOffice 3.5
* Can't cancel paste of externally copied text into a spreadsheet
* EDITING: Legacy reports created by Report Wizard fail to load data
* PDF: Writer: exporting a document as pdf file will crash Writer.
* ODBC with sqliteodbc: primary key field mostly empty, broken scolling
* When adding data, Calc should suggest extending the data range to include it in the chart
* Crash when leaving Function Wizard with Escape or OK
* Paragraph border visible through an image
* key board navigation broken in Tools > Options for Autocorrection
* UI: particular checkboxes truncated
* INSTALLER: Dialog header background should be white.
* 64-bit shell extensions are not registered
* EDITING: Crash on Writer when a footnote is inserted
* Can't insert OLE Object in external application (old title : Unable to insert ods document in Microsoft Word)
* Report Does Not Sort by Groupings
* [SVG] path d="M 20 120 H 40.5.6" not parsed properly
* file versions in msi file table are incorrect
* torn off color popups cause interaction difficulties in other windows
* add English_Malawi [en-MW] locale data
* resource compiler produces English .res files for any language
* [EasyHack] Replace SAL_CONST_CAST and SAL_STATIC_CAST macro uses by their expansion
* ooowintool does not recognize files in external\msm90
* Wrong help: default-value in form-control for date and time
* Display wrong datasets when scrolling through tables
* FILEOPEN: CSV: can't open if content starts with ID;[PNE]
* FILESAVE: Conditional formatting is lost when saving in another format than ODS
* CRASH closing IDE
* FORMATTING: All positive currency cells go blank
* EDITING: Fill Handle does not fill with series, but with source number if active filter on sheet
* No object information in status bar
* [EDITING] An absolute self-reference is not respected when copying with some functions. It behaves like a relative reference.
* String with name of places in File open dialog show spaces as %20 etc
* FILEOPEN: CSV: lines >64KB are truncated
* FILEOPEN: CSV: "Maximum number of rows" message used when there are too many columns
* UI: Line Arrow Style symbols truncated
* [UI] short cut Shift-F3 for Edit > Duplicate is lost
* FILEOPEN: CSV: better handling of broken CSV files with unescaped embedded quote delimiters
* about dialog misses Build ID in Dutch langpack
* nice crash when hitting DEL (on certain slide / line with url ? )
* EDITING: $.12 is treated as text instead of currency value
* new about dialog does not close with ESC
* FIELOPEN: CSV: leading apostrophe is stripped if numeric value follows
* Installer UI: Change 'Customer information' title and heading to 'User information'
* kill the cookies
* FORMATTING: ISO 8601 date detection overrides locale's date order if '-' is the date separator
* uninstall process should remove .pyc files from install directory
* i18n: add language
* EDITING: Writer 3.5.2 slow typing in large documents
* not find JRE
* i18n: add locale data for Erzya
* [PPTX] crash when trying to create insanely large pixmap
* formula DGET() gives #VALUE! error when fetching calculation resulting in string
* gbuild: broken extension localization
* MinGW: Windows resources (.res) are not linked to executables
* difference of y position/size of drawinglayer elements is more than 10%
* [RTF] regression; unneeded page break after 4th line of text
* Adapt date format to fit Chinese (Taiwan) more
* CRASH at menu Tools - Macros
* CRASH closing window Edit > Changes > Accept or Reject with ESC
* CRASH EDITING TABLE when merge cells in .sxw
* Setting the Temp path (Tools > Options) impossible with an extension
* CONFIGURATION: Too small select lists in Language Settings > Writing Aids
* imported shape positions incorrect
* TABLES: drawing layer doesn't paint thin borders in Writer if anti-aliasing disabled
* EDITING: Sort rows for will sort columns
* [PATCH] Writer confused by overlapping grammar errors
* FILEOPEN html content .xls files shows text.csv with html tags instead of Spreadsheet contents
* CRASH while opening RTF document
* Fields in embedded bibliography gets switched around
* Libreoffice splash screen hangs
* Search with ctrl + f
* Word wrapping in Hebrew handled incorrectly: lines break mid-word
* [EDITING] Crash clicking on header-tab in format page style
* FORMATTING, UI: numbering alignment or indentation is not applied in Impress
* On MacOS X, the new rulers always look like disabled
* UI: UI glitch in Find & Replace dialog - buttons invisible
* FILEOPEN: RTF filter is still buggy since 3.4.5
* Strg+H doesn't work
* UI: Cross-references -> index tab "selection" -> "illustration" field contents is cut at left
* Additional information in the Insert cross-reference dialogue Selection field
* merge into
* A document causes LO to crash repeatedly
* Reading Visio file causes crash
* CONFIGURATION: Default number of sheets for new document should be "1"
* xls export rowheight problems
* psprint.conf file is clobbered on each upgrade
* BASE SIGABRT: dereference a past-the-end iterator
* Page count field makes scrolling impossible
* Shortcut names are not localized on Linux
* Dots inside quoted sentences get removed on "Correct All"
* Language selection is not possible with silent install
* FILEOPEN: RTF file opens with black letters and black background
* View area jumps when start drawing
* CONFIGURATION: scanner crashes program
* packimages: images not found
* Vertical rulers completely unreadable on MacOS X
* Toolbar: room for toolbar remains after closing from context menu
* \chpgn ignores formatting
* Module lcms2 doesn't compile under solaris
* EDITING: when 'Insert Sheet' from .csv no source sheet detected
* Use Blowfish encryption in ODF 1.2 backward-compatibility mode
* Default to absolute svg:d paths for ODF1.2 backward-compatibility mode
* scroll bars keep moving out of position until they disappear when zooming
* Can't create database or access table in Base
* Tooltip has not been modified to "Comment" from ”Note"
* Large number of comments make Writer extremely slow
* Table Data View + ODBC issues select * from table to get only key data
* SRB generates wrong 'order by' on report based on query with MS Access
* Deleting text with activated change tracking duplicates text frame
* Shapes are at wrong position compared to 3.2.1
* Crash when loading special charts
* [RTF export] crashes when copy an empty line from Writer below a tif picture then paste into spreadsheet
* Saved RTF has issue in encoding Latin1 characters
* Horizontal line in word has special "percentage mode" width
* Fix word count feature for asian text
* AutoComplete unable to differentiate between Capital Letters and Small Letters.
* Attempts to export .doc file to PDF causes Writer to crash (U4.2 -celf.doc)
* Warning: [Code:654] ... International sorting unavailable on this system
* Get rid of -fsigned-char?
* office crashes at startup on Solaris Intel
* API: toolkit.AccessibleFixedText::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleText
* WW8: empty paragraph between TOC and table lost
* No automatic row heights after xlsx import
* XLSX import: drawing objects misplaced
* Outline Numbering broken in master document under certain condition
* triple paperbag -- tweak bibloader again
* add unity quicklist support
* add missing mimetypes to impress.desktop
* fix the fix so it doesn't crash
* respect absolute paths for mozilla profile
* make LibreOffice Draw handle Visio files
* related: pixmaps are limited to max signed short
* ooimpress-creating presentation using wizard crashes in M_reclaim_block
* LibreOffice wouldn't start with --quickstart
* soffice --help wouldn't display help when soffice already running
* [abrt] libreoffice-writer- crash deleting styles from template dialog (SIGSEGV)
* Flat ODF files support requires xsltfilter package, but packagekit doesn't know that
* [abrt] libreoffice-core- SwViewImp::PaintLayer: Process /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* [abrt] SwWW8ImplReader::emulateMSWordAddTextToParagraph
* soffice does not complain when running with wrong option
* [abrt] Process /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/program/scalc.bin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* [abrt] libreoffice-core- oosplash rtl_uString_release(NULL) SIGSEGV upon failing osl_getProcessWorkingDir
* [abrt][a11y] libreoffice-core- AccessibleViewForwarder::AccessibleViewForwarder killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* [abrt] libreoffice-core- SdModule::GetSdOptions: Process /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* Bootstrap.bootstrap() from juh.jar doesn't work properly any more
* libreoffice-core (unintentionally) provides and
* [abrt] libreoffice-writer- CalcClipRect: Process /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/swriter.bin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* [abrt] libreoffice-writer- SwCrsrShell::GetCrsr: Process /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/swriter.bin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* [abrt][reproducible] libreoffice-core- v killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* [abrt] libreoffice-core- ServerFont::GetGlyphData, graphite2::Slot::finalise killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
* [abrt] libreoffice-core- specific rtf document incredibly slow to load

LibreOffice 3 Baut

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